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Youth Sports Medicine at OINJ Morristown


Jul 26, 2018

Youth Sports Medicine at OINJ Morristown

Torn ACLs. Concussions. Rotator cuff injuries. Or just a plain, ordinary, bad fall off a bike. Our kids get injured all the time, and they need expert attention from physicians who know how to treat growing bones and muscles. That’s where OINJ adolescent sports medicine at Morristown comes in. We’ve got a team for your kid from kinderkickers and younger, up through varsity sports at all levels. And for the kid who isn’t on a team, and just likes to jump rope or swing a racket..

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Live Well series: Pilates


Jul 9, 2018

Live Well series: Pilates

What comes to mind when you think of Pilates? Some elusive reference to stretching and posture? Big, weighted equipment with springs and pulleys? Well – yes, and no. Yes: Pilates is all about improved flexibility, improved posture and balance, and improved core strength. No: Pilates doesn’t require equipment, although if you go to a studio you will most likely find it.Pilates is a low-impact workout designed to be performed in slow, sequential exercises, whether on a mat or using a..

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Live Well series: Cross Fit


Jul 9, 2018

Live Well series: Cross Fit

You’ve probably heard of CrossFit, or seen one of the company’s gyms. The workout regimen is now coached in over 11,000 outposts around the world – a 22-fold growth over the span of nine years. So, what makes it so popular? It’s popular because it works. Whether you’re an Olympic athlete or a couch potato, you can learn to do CrossFit at the level that suits your ability, age, need, and desire. The practice is based on incorporating natural moves that you use in...

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What to know about concussions


Jun 28, 2018

What to know about concussions

Like most people, you probably think of concussion as that dramatic moment when heads smash into something: that intense sound of players’ helmets crashing into each other on the football field, the crack of the skier’s helmet against the tree trunk, the heavy and unexpected fall off the balance beam. Direct impact is only part of the story, though. A concussion can result whenever the head is suddenly and forcefully shifted; an example of this is when a player is tackled, and the...

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OINJ Pro Series


Apr 3, 2018

OINJ Pro Series

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American Athlete: Getting Quint-like Reflexes


Nov 29, 2017

American Athlete: Getting Quint-like Reflexes

Former Johns Hopkins lacrosse star goalie Quint Kessenich talks to American Athlete about training, improving skills, the importance of muscle memory, and maintaining a balanced workout. When it comes to perfecting hand-eye coordination, there are few sports that can sharpen reflexes quite like lacrosse. Considered the fastest-growing game on two feet, the sport demands quick reflexes, impeccable hand-eye coordination, and lightning speed. No one knows this better, and has demonstrated greater..

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