
News & Insights

NJIPA Doctor Day Celebration

Mar 8, 2019

Dr. Ferheen Shamim and Dr. Rehan Shamim presented Regenerative Medicine and Minimally Invasive Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery at the NJIPA Doctor Day Celebration. The celebration took place on March 8th, 2018 at the Hanover Marriott in Whippany NJ.

Dr. Ferheen Shamim spoke about the tools of regenerative medicine and how your body can heal itself. Regenerative Medicine is a non-surgical approach to live your life without pain. Regenerative Medicine includes PRP Therapy, A2M Therapy, Lipogems Therapy, Viscosupplementation Treatment, Percutaneous Ultrasonic Tenotomy, and Steroid Injections.

Dr. Rehan Shamim spoke about minimally invasive techniques in today's world of orthopedic surgery. Minimally invasive techniques will help speed up the recovery and healing time, while reducing the scarring and help for a quicker pain free life.

To view more pictures, click here: https://bit.ly/2Ckx1ky



This article was reviewed and approved by an orthopedic surgeon as we place a high premium on accuracy for our patients and potential patients.